CTI Quarterly Narrative Report

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**Be sure to reference your training timeline and up-to-date Apricot data**

Section III: Implementation Challenges & Successes

Thinking about all the aspects of your project—recruitment, assessment & selection, training & education, support services, job placement—please briefly describe successes and challenges.

For multi-round grantees: feel free to address all current rounds in this qualitative section. If a success/challenge is specific to a round, please indicate in your answer.

Please briefly describe successes and challenges you have experienced in recruitment, assessment, and selection. Consider success and challenges with the timeframe for your process, how the process went, the number of applicants, and partner engagement in this process. 

Please briefly describe successes and challenges you have experienced in training and education. Consider success and challenges with the timeframe, delivery of training, participant retention, partner engagement, and achievement of credentials.

Please briefly describe successes and challenges you have experienced in the delivery of support services. Consider successes and challenges with the case management, transitional coaching, mentoring, and specific support services such as transportation, childcare, and financial coaching as applicable.

Please briefly describe successes and challenges you have experienced in job placement and retention services. Consider success and challenges with the number of participants that have been placed in employment, your process for placing participants, strategies to engage participants after placement, and any factors that may be affecting job placement and retention.

Section IV: Next Steps

Section VII: Data Collection

Thank you for your hard work this quarter!